Accenture requires all new hires to take these core "training" courses within 60 days of hiring date. Work and "work" had kept me pretty busy and so I had basically forgotten about them until this week. With the deadline already past, I had to take them all or be in non-compliance. These training courses were mostly on stuff like harassment and ethics. It's like learning what I already knew but over 3 hours of painfully bad acting with choice nuggets like "There is a form of harassment that workers feel can create a hostile work environment, we call it 'Hostile Work Environment Harassment." OMGWTFBBQ, I totally didn't see that one coming, that's oscar caliber screenwriting right there. Later on, there was "Wow, Allison looks really down today, I'll cheer her up with this awesome sex joke I heard this morning." Wow, great idea! When someone is feeling down, obviously that's the most logical way to cheer them up.
But, thanks to this training. I now know that I shouldn't harass anyone and that Robin Hood was actuallly violating the ancient code of Ethics. After all, how much did he REALLY give to the poor huh?? How was he able to fund his merry band of men when he was giving it all to the poor?