Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Hunt Continues

The job hunt continues. Had an interview on monday, but it turned out to be one of those "group" interviews where everyone gets into a huge room, then the "interviewer" proceeds to make a sales presentation instead of an actual interview. Ended up costing me 4 bucks parking since I parked for 1 hour and 32 min which pushed me into the 4 dollar bracket. While the product was this identity theft shield/pre-paid legal service, it actually seemed pretty useful to have a lawyer on call 24/7. Not that I would need a lawyer....for anything....of course.


Anonymous said...

OMG, see this is why I hate sites like Monster and many job fairs. I hate those "interviews" that are really pyramid schemes or just sales jobs.

You don't need a lawyer if you don't get caught. L2Crime

Anonymous said...

Man, that is totally deceptive. I'm surprised you actually stayed for the entire presentation! I would have just walked out of there.

How did your fellow interview-mates react when they realized this was all a sham?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

hey shawn,

hey my friend got a spot available at this company called quorum.

but you have to know some c++ and sql.

if you interested, u can foward ur resume to james.hsia@gmail.com