Tuesday, July 24, 2007

DunX5 Tourney

Since there was talk of team VGI participating at the PAX 6-man team BF2 tournament, KiraTomato and I have been trying out the 16 player versions of the maps against bots. This makes even the most boring maps into fierce infantry CQC maps. All the 16 player maps are also Double Assault so no side has a uncappable (except Karkand, where USMC has a uncap). We put the bots up to max difficulty and while they do provide a fair challenge in terms of shoot-outs (they actually aim pretty well), their sense of tactics was severely underwhelming. Oftentimes they would just sit there and not do anything when near a enemy flag even if the point was undefended.

Hopefully with some practice, Team VGI can make a good showing and pwn some other teams there. If not, then real life C4 maybe be needed to "auto-balance" the teams =)


Anonymous said...

here's a tip.

go play against ppl, not bots.

the harder the ppl you play against the better.

Velius said...

Here's a problem.

Hardly anyone plays 16 player maps on ranked servers, especially the aforementioned maps.

The fewer people there are, the harder it is to get practice in "against ppl" as you so nicely put it.

Anonymous said...

If enough of us get on, maybe we can split up into team za ren and team funbari hot splings with our haxxoring zombie minions. Dibs on Little Thom!