Monday, June 21, 2010

Project 365: Day 160-167

Last week was a crazy week around the office since everyone was gone leaving me to take care of everything that goes on. Add on top of that our imminent upgrade and lots of production issues and I had hell in a cubicle. I was so tired after each day that after P90X I basically just wanted to relax. Well, I suppose this will be the make-up post for a weeks worth of procrastination. This weekend, we went to a party hosted by some of PP's friends. The theme of the party was "complete duck feast." Every dish featured duck in some prominent way and were all entirely home made and absolutely delicious. After the dinner, we played a bunch of 三国杀 and it was amazingly fun. It's basically like Chinese Bang! but with different abilities and some different rules. Before we knew it, it was already 12 am and we had to disperse.

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