Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A New Hope

There might be some spectre of hope left for Kansas as the intellectual community is finally taking a stand against Intelligent Design (which claims that because of their own gross stupidity and failure to do well in 6th grade science classes, believers claim that God must have created the universe.)

I find this an amusing argument. A scientist once proposed a question: "Can God create a rock that he himself could not lift" If he can, then he wasn't all powerful since he couldn't lift the rock. If he cannot, then he wasn't all-knowing since he couldn't create something.

The religious type people's argument against this was that "God is beyond logical reasoning so the argument is invalid". However, Intelligent Design tries to portray God as creating the universe in a logical manner thereby assuming that God IS NOT beyond logical reasoning.

You know, if you are gonna make something up, at least have the logic to make them agree with each other.


Anonymous said...

you are missing a central point, if these people had LOGIC, they wouldn't be in this mess. I hope Kansas snap out of it and not spread this virus all over the other part of US. I hope people realize we are going backwards not forwards with this religious fundamentalist crap. I mean scientists, once would fight to the death to come to the great country of America, are now going to Singapore and Korea where people are more rational (and cuter :0). Once you start believing your interpretation is the only way and all other views are fake or untruth that need to be crushed, it is only a step away from holy war against the infidels.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I forgot one more thing :)

Science is not a democracy, if 100 million people believed the Earth was flat and had corners, the Earth is still round!