Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Decided to start reading Angels and Demons here. My cousins here need to go to work so it is kinda boring. The book was good, finished it in 2 days. Went to Great-Uncles' house for dinner. After enduring the usual round of "Oh, how you have grown!!" talk, he decided to show us his state of the art computer. This computer was actually pretty good, dual pentium 4s. Only had 512 ram and most likely onboard graphics card (for those of you wondering, no, installing WoW on the machine did not cross my mind....yet) He was eager to show us his 1337 online capabilities so he decided to give us a demonstration. The network plug was unplugged so my mom decided to show her computer prowess by promptly sticking the plug into the hole designed for the computer lock. Of course, it was stuck in there now, since the little tang holding it in place couldn't be depressed. Wonderful start, at the end, I just yanked it out and nearly destroyed the plug, but oh well. Rest of the dinner was uneventful, the food was overly salty so much liquid was consumed.


Anonymous said...

So what exactly does your g-uncle do with dual P4's??

Anonymous said...

didnt even know u went to china.
hows it going over there
