Monday, December 12, 2005


I always thought BF2's Global Score was Teamwork Score + Combat Score + Commander Score. Apparently this isn't true as the sum definitely does not equal the Global Score. Any ideas?

Add: General trend right now seems to be that those that played commander the most seem to have lost the most points. One person explained that the actual formula is something like:

Global Score = Combat Score + Teamwork Score + Commander Score - (Combat Score as Commander + Teamwork Score as Commander)

This is because the kills/assists/captures/etc you get as commander do show up in stats but don't actually contribute to the Global Score. So killing lots of people with artillery or reviving a bunch of people will inflate the combat and teamwork points to higher than the actual point total is. More research ongoing since I have no commander points and somehow I have 45 points more than I should.

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