Friday, April 07, 2006

I Don't See Dead People

I had a follow-up eye examination today to test for Glaucoma and the test was negative, although I am not quite sure how accurate my test was. Basically, you use an eye-patch (Arrrrr, me maties) to cover up one eye, then look into a bright light through a refractive lens with the uncovered one. You are supposed to stare at the bright light, and little white flashes would appear. When they did, you had to click a button to signify that you saw it.

At first all was well, but the flashes kept coming in predictable patterns...then BF2 tankwhore reflexes took over. It got to the point where I was trying to pre-emptively click before the light would occur. I had to keep telling myself to only CLICK WHEN I SEE THE LIGHT....and not try to click when I thought the next light would appear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait, so you were spawncamping the glaucoma machine???