Monday, December 08, 2008

Where the pot isn't the only hot item in the room

PP came over to spend the weekend in Houston. She was suffering from a pestering cold and so we didn't really go out anywhere. This was actually pretty good because it was cold outside and we managed to have Hot Pot for two days straight! We invited Papaya/Mango couple over to have Hot Pot on Saturday night. We had our own Hot Pot pot and used some store-bought base for the soup. We had a wide assortment of foods like thinly-sliced beef, shrimp, fake shrimp (tasted better than the real shrimp!), tofu, fish balls, various different kinds of vegetables, and rags (really just some kinda vegetable...but Papaya thinks they look like rags...)!

The Hot Pot was so good but we had way too much food. We had so much left over and PP and I were able to have Hot Pot again on Sunday night. After the Hot Pot, Papaya and I went off to play some Rock Band 2 while Mango got PP's Zig Siren (For Great Justice!). PP spent the rest of the weekend watching some wacky Korean TV series while I managed to clean some warehouses in Vesperia. A great weekend!


Anonymous said...

What's a Zig Siren?

Velius said...

That is an excellent question!!

Anonymous said...

Fake shrimp? Is it anything like that crappy fake crab that tastes nothing like crab?

Anonymous said...

So....are you going to answer that excellent question?

Anonymous said...

Waitaminute...does this have anything to do with AYBABTU?

Velius said...

Kabitzin: No, these fake shrimp are awesome. They have the taste and texture of real shrimp, but half the cholesterol.

Kiratomato: LOL, It has more to do with the Magnet Gene than All Your Base.

moonfleck said...

muhaha.. good job Mango, I got that one ... it suddenly came to me tonight

Anonymous said...

Check this out:

"The shrimp diet did raise LDL levels (bad cholesterol) by 7%, but also raised HDL levels (good cholesterol) by 12%."

Sounds like min-maxing! Apparently shrimp are indeed high in cholesterol, even though they are low in fat.

Also, see this hilarious post about fake shrimp scams.