Thursday, November 30, 2006

Cold Snap

Why is the weather so strange here? Last night, it was a comfortable 71 F outside. I wake up this morning and it's 40s. Forecasts say the temperatures will drop below freezing later in the day. What the heck? My one hope is that it starts snowing and we all get the next week off and can sit home and play Xbox 360 all day long while looking up random Clay SOME people who will stay unnamed. Did I forget to mention that said SOME people also just got back from Hawaii for Thanksgiving break AND received a FREE Xb0x360 for "evaluation" purposes? Those MS people get all the benefits.

The best I can hope for is if my boss decides I should get some free barrels of crude oil to test our refining software. Yeehaw, so much better than Xbox...At least I can set them on fire to stay warm. Can your Xbox do that? I think not!!


Anonymous said...

Actually, yes it can. OWNED.

Anonymous said...

You bought a Xbox 360?

Anonymous said...

hmm I will just have to play Gears of War for hours on end and report back on this issue.