Tuesday, September 23, 2008

China Trip

Going back to China this Friday. Moonfleck suggested I keep a running daily blog on what occurred in China. While on paper, this sounds like a wonderful idea, I am not so sure I can keep the motivation to do such a thing as I have enough trouble posting once every week.....but nonetheless, never know what I am capable of if I don't try!


moonfleck said...

aww you can do it, even if it is just a few sentences I would love to read it!

Tochi said...

Have a great trip!!! I second Moonfleck's request.

Unknown said...

I would definitely read your posts about your China trip. Go for it! Or would that be, jia(1) you(2) ?

Kungfucius said...

Is the Maximo mascot making the trip as well?

Velius said...

Hmmm....probably not as he just recently made a trip to China and I would have no place to put him since I already have so much stuff to bring back.

Anonymous said...

I would recommend it. I go back and read my own posts from time to time. It depends how much detail you want to go into. Listing every detail of Hawaii was a bit of a pain, but it was worth it. In your case you go to China more than I go to Hawaii so maybe just write down the fun stuff.