Friday, March 10, 2006

The following is rated WTMI..

for Wayyyyy Too Much Information, but in case any of you wanted to know... To be fair, you have been warned!

Lunch time conversations with BlupnutMM and NobitaNobi are always very interesting. BlupnutMM is a nurse in training and so is currently working at the prenatal department for a hospital. Basically she helps in delivering babies and pre/post-delivery care. You can certainly learn a lot from doing this type of job. Some things that were brought up today during the course of our lunch time conversation:

1. Apparently, women who are pregnant tend to lactate randomly. There is no trigger for this lactation. Hence women not wearing bras can have nice little wet spots on the front of their outfits (similar to man-boobs, but not caused by sweat...)

2. When women lactate, it comes out in multiple streams, much like a lawn sprinkler. It also shoots out very fast and 2-3 streams of milk is not uncommon.

3. Some women and men can have "third nipples." These are little stubby thingies that can be near the armpits and apparently, in women, they are fully functional. This means women can have milk randomly shooting out of their armpits...... (Hey, you were warned!)

4. A common and doctor-recommended way to induce labor is to twist the nipple. Apparently, this causes some kinda hormones to be created that cause labor. It's usually very tiring for women to do this for themselves, so usually the husband does this. Seeing husbands groping their wives constantly is therefore a very common sight in maternity wards.

On a completely different note, there was a group of parents with kids at a table next to us. They were celebrating the birthday of one of the little kids. They lit some candles, sang the birthday song and then the lucky kid blew out the candles. It was at this point, that some other random little kid in the group just started to cry like crazy. This spoiled-rotten kid was apparently jealous that the other kid got all the attention and continued to wail and wail and wail. So in order to placate him, they re-lit the candles, and then sang a birthday song for him even though it wasn't even his birthday. The bratty kid then blew out the candles. If my kids EVER did that, I would just let him cry to his hearts content, then tell him to go outside if he won't stop. Bratty little twerp.


Anonymous said...

urrrrr... WAY WAY too much info. although it is good to know. and I totally agree about the bratty kid. I would kick him out.... *softly*

Anonymous said...

a slight correction, women start lactating milk 2-3 days after they have baby; although in late pregnancy, women produce premature milk, called colostrum, which is yellowish

Anonymous said...

who the heck..?

dan is that you?

anyways, careful what you wish for shawn, u might get a kid like that.