Wednesday, March 15, 2006

iSketch Lunch!

What does each drawing look like? You decide!




Kungfucius said...

Kungfucius says picture number 2 looks more like a baked potato. Kungfucius believes that the first one looks more like a hot dog with relish on top

Anonymous said...

The first one looks like a Big Mac; the second one looks like clam chowder in a bread bowl....did you draw these?

Anonymous said...

I see lettus in first one, what is it? I would say a bog eatting lettus!
Second one is steaming hot, it looks like a pile of p... I mean potato.

Anonymous said...

1 looks like a hamburger with luttuce on it and 2 looks like a nest with new born birds chirping in it.

Anonymous said...

Burger with a dagger hidden in it, baked hairy potato stuffed with two fingers fo sho.

Anonymous said...

I think #1 looks like some sort of burger with crap in it and #2 is a nicely hot and steamed baked potato

Anonymous said...

I'd go with smoked turkey with stuffing for #1 and steamed salmon seasoned with garlic and chives for #2.

Btw, iSketch servers seem to be mad full all the time, so I can never log in.

Anonymous said...

a steaming piece of...