Monday, June 09, 2008

Are you ready to Rock???!!!

Ever since VO4, I had wanted to pick up Rock Band simply because I think it would be a really fun party game when friends like the BluPnutMM couple and the Austin bunch come over. However, the price has also been a bit high as I didn't quite feel like paying $170 for the whole set. Well, on Sunday after having lunch with Potato, Tomator and Papaya, I decided that I would finally make the acquisition. Since Papaya needed some speakers for his PC as well, we all went to Fry's Electronics. Lo and Behold, it was only $140! Needless to say, I quickly made the acquisition and there was much rocking the rest of the day. Now I have Maps stuck in an infinite loop in my head.

On the NWN2 side of things, Kira, Grapes, and I will most likely be playing through the official campaign. I will likely be a pew pew sorcerer type character. This possibly stems from the awesome Icelandic movie that Dragonfruits recommended to us during VO4. After the movie, I think we all had an itch to try some classic P&P D&D. This was the next best thing.


Anonymous said...

Haha after VO, I had "Still Alive" looping through my head. I also got stuck on another YYY song, "Gold Lion".

Are you going to bring Knock? Cause if Kira is pew pew also, we need someone to do open doors and chests.

Velius said...

Oh, Kira is gonna also be pew pew? He was a brad (Bradley Bradford) in our exciting romp through the tutorial prologue. We get NPCs so could just use the tiefling thief as our lock opener. If not, I can also just use a lvl 1 spell slot on knock.

Kungfucius said...

Looks like my rendition of "Still Alive" has had a lasting impact :P

Unknown said...

I think I might go fighter after all.

Anonymous said...

Oh second thought, Bard might be more interesting than a straight up fighter.

moonfleck said...

sounds like a real fun time.