Monday, March 17, 2008

A Long Long Time ago.....

I was born!!! DUnnnnnnnnnnnn *insert Star Wars theme* Much thanks to BluPnutMM couple for hosting us in Austin this weekend. It was great fun as we played plenty of Bang! and Wii while also taking in some kayaking and even a bit of culture with a constipation concert.

Even our friend, a member of the Austin Symphony thought that this concert wasn't a very good program. He kept telling us that this concert felt like it was composed by some guy while he was sitting on the toilet. While the orchestra itself played beautifully, the pieces did leave much to be desired. The first and fourth pieces were particularly coma inducing while the "toilet" piece was actually one of the more interesting sounding ones. The third piece was actually pretty good as there was a fantastic piano soloist who kept us entertained because we could watch his fingers. We all agreed that if he so chose, the pianist could totally kick all of our butts at Smash Brothers.

The coolest part of the whole weekend was the birthday card that they got for me. It was totally Star Wars themed and on the front, it said "A Long long time ago...." When you open it, it says "You were born!" and starts playing the opening theme to Star Wars. Totally cool.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, happy (belated) birthday! Although I'm not sure about your taste in music, I'm glad you had a good time =D.

Anonymous said...

Happy b-b-day! That birthday card sounds like it was the perfect match for you.

Tochi said...

Happy belated bday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday! =D

How did you enjoy the kayaking?

Velius said...

Kayaking was pretty fun. We had some bread so we fed some geese along the way...then had them for dinner.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I asked.....
