Sunday, June 10, 2007


Accenture has scheduled a "Behavioral" interview for me tomorrow. I am not sure exactly what kind of interview this is gonna be, but the recruiter told me that it's going to be scenario based. So something like, angry customer calls regarding something, how do you react. I am pretty sure that "Convince them to give Lans all their gold" isn't the best answer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It will probably be like:

Q: You are a warlock and there is one other mage eligible to roll on an item with a lot of STM and +Crit. Do you roll against the mage?

A: Assuming all other things equal, yes if you are Destruction specc, no if you are Affliction or Demonology specc.

Q: If a client is upset about one of our products and wants an explanation as to why it did not work well, what will you tell them?

A: Yes.

See? Easy!