Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Sick and Tired of VGI

Seriously, after years of using the Veggies pseudo-clan name, I am growing tired of it all. I mean what the heck is a Cucumbernator anyways? Some kinda lunatic cucumber? Anyways, I think it's time for a change. I propose reinventing ourselves as the CarneRou(4). This would be a total rebellion against all that is green and leafy. So onto proposed name changes:

GrapesOfWrath: Ohhh, I am shaking in my boots, a scary grape. This is just not intimidating enough, I say he becomes =CR= DeathBeef. Just looking at that name instills horror in opponents.

KiraTomato: A tomato..that is kira? No, just no, he needs to become =CR= ChickenDevastation. See, combining chicken with devastation? It even rhymes..sorta

Cucumbernator: A green squash is going to kill me...I quiver in fear. =CR= DemonLobster is more like it. If I don't kill you, my cholesterol content will.

Catnipped: Gets cats high? =CR= SlaughterCat. Much better, a homicidal cat. Very scary.

eLemonator: Tangy, but is it scary? No. =CR= PorkChop. Unsuspecting, but just when you least expect it, karate pig gets you.

theDragonFruitS: Anything is scarier when it's THE something, so =CR= theDoOmfriedShrimp. Keeps with the naming convention but also signifies the apocalypse.

SourTomator: What? Two tomatos? =CR= ExtraBacon. Ahh, now there's something that more of is always better.

jOrangeJuice: Teh Juice is LOOOOOOOSE!!!! =CR= GoatBlood. Just as runny, just as juicy but so much more repulsive!

MaizerBeam: One of the newer members and a vegetarian. =CR= SubstituteMeat. It's only fake in appearance, but just as potent as the others.

DataSix: Scary enough as is, I think it's fine. I mean...Data....Six...AHHHHHHHHHH!


Anonymous said...

If we are going to be meats, I want to be =CR= OhSoBUFFalo.

Other exciting meat names would be:

-shiskaBob (though Bob has no arms)
-GrenadeLobster (after your R6 performance)

I do like DeathBeef and DemonLobster though.

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps GrenadianBacon would be better... That would make it so we had two grenades though.

Velius said...

There you are, where were you when I was making this post 45 min ago!!

Anonymous said...

GrenadianBacon....that is an instant classic. I also like FiletMinion very much so as well.

Kungfucius said...

PorkChop doesn't sound very intimidating, at least not as intimidating as eLemonator. I mean come on, would you rather fear a chop, or fear elemonation? :P